Kantorei Awards 2024 Alison N. Roman Memorial Choral Scholarship

DENVER - April 22, 2024 - Kantorei is pleased to announce the award of the 2024 Alison N. Roman Memorial Scholarship to Judah Walker, a Senior in the Cherry Creek High School choral program. Judah was recommended for the scholarship by his choral teachers Sarah Branton and Adam Cave. “Over the course of one’s teaching career, there are certain students that stand out because of their musical achievement and there are certain students that stand out because of the positive way they handle themselves” says Cave, “Judah Walker rises above all these students and achieves “unicorn status” in my choir classroom because he not only sings at an incredibly high level, but his energy, maturity, compassion, and selflessness is unparalleled. He is someone that has made a tremendous impact on his peers and on me as his director. He has left a lasting legacy at Cherry Creek that will never be forgotten.”

Pictured left to right Sarah Branton, Jenn Moore Kantorei Board President, Judy Bloomberg Kantorei Board member, and Adam Cave.

Judah will be attending Metropolitan State University this fall and scholarship funds will be used to support the next steps in his choral education journey. “My mother is a huge inspiration in my life. My mother raised 8 kids by herself and is my vocal coach and she has taught me most things about music,” said Judah. He highlighted in his application that after years of bullying from classmates and feeling like he didn’t fit in, his high school choir was where he felt he was seen and valued. “High school has been an incredible experience. With the different music, and the music directors and my classmates…..Choral music gives me a chance to sing different styles of music and to have fun with it.”

The Alison N. Roman Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of Alison Roman, a beloved member of the Kantorei family and a fiercely dedicated music educator. The scholarship is dedicated to assisting a talented senior BIPOC, Asian, or Latinx student in pursuing their musical dreams. This scholarship offers a minimum award of $1000 to cover expenses related to choral ensemble participation, such as membership fees, uniforms, and private lessons. “Judah Walker exemplifies everything Kantorei wants to support with our scholarship. Extraordinarily talented, hard working, and hungry for knowledge,” says Jennifer Moore, Kantorei’s Board President. “Kantorei is investing in the future of the Choral Arts; Judah is that future. Allison Roman would be so proud that Judah is the first student to receive this award given in her honor.” 

Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. To apply or to donate to the scholarship fund visit kantorei.org/community-engagement.


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