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Double Your Pleasure: Music for Double Choir

  • Wellshire Presbyterian Church 2999 South Colorado Boulevard Denver, CO, 80222 United States (map)

This unique program offers a rare opportunity to experience multiple double-choir works in a single concert, providing insight into how different composers throughout the ages have approached the spatial and textural possibilities of two choirs in this challenging and rewarding format. 

Featured in this concert will be Colorado’s own Terry Schlenker's Mass for Double Choir, a modern masterpiece that pays homage to the great polychoral traditions of the past while infusing them with contemporary harmonic language. 

We will also explore Johannes Brahms' Fest- und Gedenksprüche (Op. 109), Healey Willan’s An Apostrophe to the Heavenly Hosts, and Felix Mendelsohn’s Heilg.

Whether you're a longtime choral music enthusiast or new to the world of antiphonal composition, this concert promises to be a memorable exploration of the rich possibilities of the human voice.

March 8

Double Your Pleasure: Music for Double Choir

May 17

Yearning to Breathe